Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Participation In other International Programs


Participants : Aline Carneiro Viana, Eduardo Mucelli.

  • Program: STIC AmSud

  • Project acronym: UCOOL

  • Project title: Understanding and predicting human demanded COntent and mObiLity

  • Duration: 2013-2015

  • Coordinator: Aline Carneiro Viana

  • Other partners: National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (Brazil), Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (Chile), Telecom Sud Paris, and Inria (with INFINE at Saclay and DANTE at Rhone-Alpes)

  • Abstract: The UCOOL (Understanding and predicting human demanded COntent and mObiLity, https://macaco.inria.fr/) project is granted by STIC-AmSUD, it is a 2-year project, and has officially started in January 2014. The main goal of this project is to define solutions for the identification and modelling of correlations between the user mobility – describing changes in the user positioning and the current environment he/she is in – and the traffic demand he/she generates.


Participant : Aline Carneiro Viana.

  • Program: STIC Asie

  • Project acronym: URSA

  • Project title: Urban Sensing for Ads Networks

  • Duration: 2012-2014

  • Coordinator: Stephane MAag (Telecom SudParis)

  • Other partners: Telecom SudParis, Inria, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan), Institute for Infocomm Research (Singapore), and IFI (Vietnam).

  • Abstract: The URSA (Urban Sensing for Ads Networks, http://www-public.tem-tsp.eu/ maag/URSA/) project was granted by STIC-Asie. It was a 2-year project which has started in January 2013 and has just finished. URSA aims at defining an urban sensing network based on the mobility of users and the diffusion of advertisings by fixed elements.